A TV Life

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What I Expect

When it sounded just like this
I have ignored it before
I have neglected my soul
I have gone for the run

But it is just what I expect
Of myself and of you
And it is more than I am
And it is more than you know

When it sounded just like this
I have ignored it before
I have neglected my soul
I have gone for the run

But it is just what I expect
Of myself and of you
And it is more than I am
And it is more than you know

My over-the-top lifestyle
Knows no change, as you know
But you are (so) right to call me out
As you have done before

My decadence knows no taste
But it does know art
Your openly brazen charges
(They) tear me apart

Crazy Eye

I told you before my eyes run crazy
Especially when the cameras are on
But let the word salad take me
And let me have my dinner’s delight
Yet if no one lasts the night I will be happy
And let the talkers talk themselves tonight (to death)


Cancer for Leo

Cancer is my sign
Virgo is my house
The moon is in Pisces
My sun sign reigns Sagittarius

What’s your moon sign
What’s your sun sing
I’m in Pisces, I’m in Libra
I’ve got so many signs

House is in constellation Cancer
Leo’s opened up its doors
Virgo has its simple charms
I need to be in Cancer
Give me some Cancer

Taurus has stomped on me
Libra has weighted scales
Capricorn has dove into the sea
Gemini is the twins
Oh… Oh…

Ephemeris delineate my sign
My sign is pointed to the top


Agent of Change

I have left my mission behind
Covert operations, your orders were mine

Assassin’s sleeper cell was my home
But I return now decrypted and alone

Let me be your secret agent
Put me in your safe house haven

Informants told me I would not survive
Without a bank account and a really good disguise

Documents falsified and lost
Missing persons hidden at all cost

Let me be your secret agent
Put me in your safe house haven

I have left my mission behind
Covert operations, your orders were mine


Parrot Blue

Why don’t people listen
To the last bird’s song call
The last species to take a fall
The past’ only vocal call
Sooner than later
Something needs to be done

Gone it is forever
Its blue and white feathers plumed their last

Metaphors Reveal

Comparisons graft
Onto themselves
A self writ large
On others

A like is as
Like is
An as is like
The same

A me not you
A metonymy
A metaphor revealed

Sonnet Lost

The party lifestyle casts our lives so bold
And lets us gloat the best things of our lives
Though seeing in me a tragic loss or gold
Depends on what you ask all my ex-wives

And wild but true the rumors hang awry
Of glasses tipped and broken on the bar
Embarrassed losses kiss the day goodbye
With streamers fallen bottles left ajar

Another nip from cocktails left to frost
Exotic sips from candid cups with slurs
A bitter shot of aged spirits lost
A challenged swallow taste that’s not been worse

O girl of drink imbibed of liquored song
You’re a glass put down un-drunk for far too long

Foreign Here

Seeing things foreign is like
Knowing what to say without saying it

All the kids play the same way
All the lovers joke and nuzzle the same

What is different is the timbre, not the tone
The contents, not the song

Give Me a Moment

As I sit here alone
In deafening stifled solitude
The quiet hurts my ears and creative flow
No lines to fill in or make it cast art’s glow

Give me a moment and I will put it in context for you
Lend it a script that spells out its meaning for you
(inform the masses and elites [its words] for you
a charming line that puts your spirit to sleep)

Untested Voices

All boys’ calculated dreams
Every family’s girl
His inner joy knowing love’s morrow’s never only peace
Questioning restless silence

Tomorrow’s untested voices
While x-raying yesterday’s zeal