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Gathered here with us
Are those
You cannot stop
(From) coming to your funeral
Heard It
I have heard some say
“Is she one of them”?
Cherished like a childhood
The insight is all inside
Burst of an ocean
Thinking time is on my side
Thinking I will die
Thinking all is right
Hollow hallowed wallowing
Sycophantic sacred song
Done by rote, a toggle switch
Justified by ritual-rich
Pleasant Words
He always knew
He didn’t care
Rattled by the cage
So much comes with age
Plans before you die
No more time in sight
Loss soon gives to rage
Flips to final page
There’ll be time to fight
Just please not tonight
Hover above the kook level
Be like her
Just below the crazy crest
And just above the rest
Seed before the sprout
Thought before the seed
Sound before the shout
Unable to grasp
A final say in things
Inchoate, latent pre-thing
Each nostalgic moment
With all its raw emotion
Unable to grasp
As if they could even know
How to live high on the hog
How Will We Know?
How will I know
I’m on my way?
If there’s then some
If You
If you’ve ever had to deal with jealous people
You’d know that they are just as dangerous as they are difficult
Dawn Anew
A new world emerges everyday
On its own accord
With its own say
A new generation
Brighter, better than us
More prepared, smarter in every way
To hide every one
To find every one
Lots of Characters Cast
Even when dropped and not put into play
The letters fall into place anyway
One by one, like abetting traps
Into slotted eager gaming gaps
Like a roulette ball on a biased wheel