Download full CD Lyrics Around and Around Flipped and taped at one endPerennial movement along the same pathMöbius strip compensation Spigot Life is for the limningBrush aside less painterly thoughts Form He could chuck the Charlie off a horseI don’t listen to ordinary voice Wait for It Clocks for someTime…
Download full CD Lyrics Binary Results Algorithmic victim’s fateFrom extreme terrorist homegrown hateThey’re anti-everyone not like themAn anti-knowledge strategem Why do you hate so much?Why can’t you see that others love you? Inside That World That tarnished fence looks back at meAs if it’s seen a ghostIt wants to hide…
Download full CD Lyrics Vertigo Dark toolsClandestine sawPierce the metal oreMolten draws None of it matters for sumptionAll of it makes for eruption Instigation The night comes fast for everyoneBut faster for someThe day comes fast for everyoneBut quicker for some Indefatigable Castigation Finite schemesOpen-minded dreamsHopes held highHands held tight…
Download full CD Lyrics Mode Machine childCybernetic kidGrows upFucked up Outshone The moon is leaving usAs if in shameRetreats five hundred feet a decadeThe same face, but recedingLike Nosferatu into the shadowsThe moon is leaving us Animal Crackers Progress needs the circus’ lossIt makes us feel evolved and proudNow not…
Download full CD Lyrics Uninvited Gathered here with usAre thoseYou cannot stop(From) coming to your funeral Heard It I have heard some say“Is she one of them”?Cherished like a childhoodThe insight is all insideBurst of an ocean Coma Thinking time is on my sideThinking I will dieThinking all is…
Forks and Knives
Download full CD Lyrics Sage Don’t you see how, in their toil The tendrils claw their climb up Without hope, to break the soil Even in the desert there is life Give me one more flower For me the discourse of hatred Is always intellectual Always lodged in notions Of…
Ceci n’est pas une langue
Download full CD Ce projet applique la distinction des surréalistes entre l’image et la représentation à la notion de langage (à la fois parlé et musical), en procédant par étapes successives commençant par 1) le clair et précédant 2) le moins clair, 3) étranger, mais discernable, à…
Rare Words
Download full CD Lyrics Shiner Trying to take life like a bruise (and move on) Throw my hands up in disbelief Of knowing anything in this goddamned world Rumor I know what people say Don’t give a listen Know what you do Know who you are No Use Oh sad…
Umbrage and Clarity
Download full CD Lyrics Ape Makes Wheel Water flows in the natural way Advantageous, without say So very threatening in its constitution Does not make the best solution Only a better one of fluid motion Evolution revolution Moth Man Bat wings, but like a bird Flying, soaring In his eyes…